Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 1

For my senior project, I wanted to do something that would help me with the current business that I run with a friend, The Total Group LLC. At The Total Group, we like to think of ourselves as a small private equity company, we plan to be in several industries and own multiple web and mobile properties and do some investments, but still maintain a focus on technology.  Our first product is an application that allows students to access book reviews and class outlines on their iPhone / iPod Touch at anytime called Total Study, which is currently available in the iTunes AppStore. We also do custom development, we have been making mobile apps and online stores for businesses over the past few months. We are also launching a network of news blogs that cover everything from Hip Hop News to Video Game News, which will all be focused on the ever expanding mobile platform. We already have been generating large amounts of revenue since our launch and already turned a profit in the first month (first 9 days). I wanted to follow Ryan with The Move Project, because he had just started this business with a friend back in January and I wanted to see how a startup gets off the ground and how they run in an every changing economy. I think that following them for a week will help me see how businesses run and will help me network with their clients and potential investors.

The Move Project in Dallas. The Move Project is a small gym/studio that specializes in MAT (muscle activation therapy). MAT is a mix between massaging and training, it makes sure that you are fully aligned before you start to workout and train so you can get the full affect of what you are doing. The Move Project works with several sports stars such as Mark Texiera, Mike Modano, Brendan Morrow and several very successful businessmen that range from hedge fund managers, private equity executives and former owners of sports teams.

On my first day, I showed up at The Move Project ready to follow around Ryan. I started off by watching him work with someone who used to own the Texas Rangers baseball team and currently runs an investment group, Cardinal Investments. It was very interesting to hear his takes on business and investing and what you should look for when investing in a company. Later on in the day, I talked with Ryan and his business partner, William about helping them expand to the mobile platform. We started brainstorming about a potential application that involved The Move Project's workouts and how important being mobile as a company is. Below is a picture of what we have of the application so far. 

See ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Will: Sounds like a great first day! Glad it is coming together for you and that you are meeting interesting people and learning things of value. Great job on your first Blog.

    M. Miner
